Saturday, April 25, 2009

Jules since the Warrumbungles

0: Caz in front of Tropical Brisbane
1. Sunset in the Warrumbungles, NSW
2. Mt Mitchell path, scenic rim, Qld
3. The best of both worlds.. lake Moogerah, scenic rim, Qld
4. meeting Rosemary at campground, scenic rim, Qld
5. Sunset, lake Moogerah, scenic rim, Qld
6. Mt Barney lodge campsite, morning... life's tough in the van - Not.

Since Coonarbarbaran:

Drove up on the flat Newell Highway, past Silos, up to Goonwindi – first Qld town. Typical Queensland – with palms, big brash signs.
Then across to good old Mt Barney, did a recce day then a week later, did a 5 day camp with 15 yr olds. Great kids , great teacher, for a change. 2.5 days expedition walking up steep slopes, often in drizzle. Some leaches, good views, bush camping.
The 2 days getting 60 kids abseiling and climbing on small cliffs.

I really like the scenic rim area (border with NSW) rainforest slopes and eucalyptus areas, big steep mountains and lakes.

Spent a few days in Brisbane catching up with a friend.
When I looked over Brisbane city, after almost 4 months of travel in my van, it felt like home – the cosmopolitan city in the mangroves. There are still mangroves down on the river.

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